CrossFit Pen Y Bont
CrossFit Pen Y Bont - Forging Elite Fitness Bridgend
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Wednesday 29th April
Eccentric back squats
7 x 3 @ 5 second decend w/ pause
WOD - 21-15-9
Pull up
Rest 3 mins
C2B pull up
Deficit HSPU 15kg plate
Tuesday 28th April
A) push press
7 x 8 - volume. Follow coach
WOD - 20 min AMRAP
50 double unders
40 KBS 24/16
30 Burpee
20 pull up
10'powet clean 60/40
Friday, 24 April 2015
Friday 24th April
A) Snatch
25 mins working to a moderately heavy set of 3 t+g reps.
400m Run
10 unbroken power snatch 50/35
** 25 burpee penalty if you break
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Thursday 23rd April
WOD - Linchpin chipper
A) 21-15-9
OHS 50/35
50 double unders
15 t2b
15 hang squat clean 50/35
C) 30-20-10
Box jump 24/20
Air squat
HR Push up
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Wednesday 22nd April
A) Deadlift - build up to new 1RM
3 x 3 @ 75%
2 x 2 @ 85%
3 x 1 @ 90%+
WOD - British Championships qualifier 1
5 deadlifts 90/60
10 bar facing burpee
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Tuesday 21st April
A) Back squat - wide stance/pause
6 x 3 @ heavier than last week
WOD EMOM x 21 min
Min 1: 13/11 cal row
Min 2: 15 KBS 24/16
Min 3: 50 double unders
Monday 20th April
Take 20 mins to work up to a heavy set of 3 OHS
WOD - 12 min AMRAP
4 C2B pull up
5 thruster 60/40
6 burpees
Friday, 17 April 2015
Friday 17th April
A) Press complex
Push + power jerk
7x2+2 @ 70% of push press
WOD 3RFT - 20 min cap
100 double unders
25 KBS 24/16
20 box jumps 24"/20"
15 burpees
Thursday 16th April
A) Front squat pause wide stance
7 x 3 @ 75%+ of 1RM front squat
20 pull ups
20 burpees
20 thrusters 42.5/30
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Wednesday 15th April
A) EMOM x 10 clean complex
1 Power Clean
1 Front squat
1 push jerk
WOD - 1 round every 05:00 x 4
Run 400m
25 unbroken KBS 24/16
* if you drop the KB = 10 Burpee penalty at the end of the workout
Tuesday 14th April
A) Pause Back Squats
7 x 3 with a 3 second pause and wider stance than normal
WOD EMOM x 15 mins
Min 1: Row 15/12 calorie
Min 2: 40 double unders
Min 3: 12/10 burpees
Monday, 13 April 2015
Monday 13th April
A) Push Press
5x5 @ 75% +
400m run
30 air squat
15 t2b
10 deadlift 100/70
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Thursday 9th April
Wall balls 9/6
Back squat 60/40
B) 3 RFT
10 deadlifts 100/75
50 double under
C) 30-20-10
Box jump 24/20
Wall ball 9/6
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Wednesday 8th April
A) Every 45 seconds x 7
5 strict pull ups + 10 push ups
WOD - 20 min AMRAP
1 round of 'Cindy'
5 power clean + jerks 60/40
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Tuesday 7th April
A) Power snatch
Working up in 3s hit 5 heavy sets of touch and go reps
WOD EMOM x 21 min
Min 1: 7 C2B
Min 2: 15 KBS 24/16
Min 3 8 Thruster 40/30
Monday, 6 April 2015
Monday 6th April
Monster Mash Monday from CF Linchpin
A) For time
30 wall balls 9/6
20 c2b pull ups
10 c+j 80/60
20 c2b pull ups
30 wall balls 9/6
B) 3 rounds
14 thrusters 40/30
7 Burpee pull ups
C) 2 rounds
25 t2b
400m run
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