Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Wednesday 25th March

A) Back rack walking lunge
6 x 10 - 5 each leg

WOD - Monkey Box
3 rounds for time

400m run
50 PTOH 15/10
40 Air squat
30 Down/Ups
1 minute rest


Sorry about the lack of posts guys! Our system network has been down!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Wednesday 18th March

A) Back Squat
5 x 3 at 85% of 1RM

WOD - Fran
Thrusters 42.5/30
Pull ups 

Tuesday 17th March

A) EMOM x 10 mins
- 1 clean
- 1 front squat
- 1 jerk @ 60% 1rm clean and jerk

WOD - 12 min AMRAP

50 double Unders 
20 KBS 24/16
7 push jerk 60/40

Monday 16th March

A) Push Press
7 x 3 working to a heavy 3

WOD - 15.3 - 14 min AMRAP

7 muscle ups
50 wall balls 9/6
100 double unders

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Friday 13th March

A) Back Squat 
5x3 @ 80-83%

WOD - 12 min AMRAP

10 wall balls 9/6
10 burpees
10 KBS 24/16

Straight into 8 min AMRAP
30 double Unders
10 clean and jerk 40/30

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Thursday 12th March

A) good mornings
5x3 - put a load on to stretch the hamstrings 

5 Rounds
Run 400m
20 Burpees
10 Power Snatches 50/35

Wednesday 11th March

A) EMOM x 10 mins
1 power clean + 2 thrusters AHAP 

WOD - 
00:00-08:00 21-15-9
Thrusters 40/30
08:00-16:00 15-12-9
Thrusters 45/35
16:00-24:00 9-6-3
Thrusters 50/40

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Tuesday 10th March

A) EMOM x 16 mins alternating

Min 1: 10/8 calorie row 
Min 2: 10/8 Burpee to 6"

- the aim is to complete the work on the minute as fast as possible 


30 double Unders 
12 wall balls 9/6

Monday, 9 March 2015

Monday 9th March

A) Back Squat
5x5 @ 80-83%

WOD 15.2

00:00-03:00 - 2 rounds
10 OHS 42.5/30
10 C2B
03:00-06:00 - 2 rounds
12 OHS 
12 C2B
06:00-09:00 - 2 rounds
14 OHS 
14 C2B

Follow suit until you can no longer complete. 

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Friday 6th March

A) front squat 
5x3 85% 

WOD EMOM x 12 min

7 front squat 
7 push press 50/35
(Same minute)

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Thursday 5th March

A) Back Squat
5 x 10 @ 60-70%

WOD For time

OHS 42.5/30
Pull upa

Wednesday 4th March

A) Push Press
In 20 mins find a new 1RM for today. Suggested warm up:
3x3 @ 85%
2x2 @ 90%
3x1 @ 95%+

WOD For time

50 wall balls 9/6
30 double unders
15 box jumps 24/20
30 wall balls 9/6
30 double unders
15 box jumps 24/20
10 wall balls
30 double unders
15 box jumps 24/20

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Tuesday 3rd March

A) Deadlift
EMOM x 10 x 3 @ 60-70%

WOD For Time

Thruster 42.5/30
Pull up

rest 3 mins

Thruster 42.5/30
Pull Up

Monday, 2 March 2015

Monday 2nd February

A) Rock bottom front squat pause
5 x 3 @ 60-70% of 1RM - aim to hit as low as possible. Work both sides of those joints!


50 double unders
15 T2B

Straight into a 12 min AMRAP

4 OHS 60/40
8 burpee over bar
12 pull ups