Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Tuesday 29th December

A) Front squat
5x3 at 70% with a 3 second pause at the bottom

20 box jumps 24"/20"
10 ttb
- 3 min rest
8 min AMRAP
20 wall balls 9/6
10 pull ups

Monday 28th December

A) Strict Press
Work up to a new 1RM for the day and then drop down the 70% and hit 5x5

WOD 10 min AMRAP

10 power clean 60/40
10 pull ups
10 burpee over the bar

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Wednesday 23rd December

A) Bench Press
20 minutes to work up to a new 3RM

WOD EMOM x 20 mins

Min 1: 12 call assault bike
Min 2: 10 burpees
Min 3: 12 cal row
Min 4: 50 double unders

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Tuesday 22nd December

A) Shoulder/Lat mobes

B) strict press
Spend 20 minutes building up to a 3RM in at least 6 sets


21 pull ups
21 front squat
15 c2b
15 thruster
9 bar muscle up
9 clusters

RX: 50/35

Monday, 21 December 2015

Monday 21st December

A) Back squat
20 minutes to establish a 5RM

WOD 15 min AMRAP

7 power clean 65/45
7 hspu
14 ttb

Friday, 18 December 2015

Friday 18th December

A) 12 min AMRAP
11 power snatch
9 thrusters
7 squat snatch 50/35

B) 12 min AMRAP
15 wall balls 9/6
10 burpees
5 c2b pull up

C) For time
15 hang power cleans
1km row
15 hang power cleans 70/50

Thursday 17th December

A) KB walking lunges
10 x 2 gym length continuous front rack KB lunges. 
Finish on AHAP

150 KBS 24/16
*4 burpees EMOM until complete 

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Wednesday 16th December

A) Power clean + push press
6 x 1+5
Build load as you progress through the sets

WOD every 3 mins x 4 rounds

16 pull ups
12 power clean 60/40
8 burpee over bar 

Tuesday 15th December

5 x 5 (20 minutes to focus on a solid OHS position)
If it's shit, fix it. 

Wall balls 9/6
OHS 50/35

Monday, 14 December 2015

Monday 14th Decemeber

A) Back Squats %s
3 x 5 @ 75%
3 x 2 @ 80%

20 thrusters 42.5/30
15 burpee box jump
- 3 mins rest
12 C2B/ 6 bar muscle ups
20 SDHP 42.5/30

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Tuesday 8th December

A) Barbell step ups
5 x 12 each leg

WOD 12 min AMRAP
50 double unders
15 burpee box jumps 24"/20"
7 thrusters 42.5/30

Monday, 7 December 2015

Monday 7th December

A) EMOM x 15 minutes
Min 1: 5-7 c2b
Min 2: 5-7 t2b
Min 3: 10-12 hspu


30 wall balls 9/6
30 alternating KB snatch 24/16
30 weighted sit up 10/5

Friday 4th December

WOD - for time 

400m run
20 power clean
400m run 
20 squat clean
400m run
20 thruster
400m run
20 push press 65/40

Cash out:
20 burpee over bar

Friday, 4 December 2015

Thursday 3rd December

A) Glute Activation

B) Power clean
6 x TNG sets of 3 building load every time


40 wall balls 9/6
20 deadlift 75/55
10 c2b pull ups

Wednesday 2nd Decemeber

A) Scap activation

B) Front Squat
6 x 2 @ 80-85% of 1RM

WOD TAG 2016 qualifier 1

Death by front squat
* 5 burpees omem
- 55/35

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Tuesday 1st December

A) EMOM x 12
Min 1: 6-8 strict pull ups
Min 2: 8-12 box dips/ring dips or close grip push up

15 KBS 24/16
15 goblet squat between each set

Monday, 30 November 2015

Monday 30th November

A) Front squat
3 x 3 @ 70%
3 x 2 @ 80%
3 x 1 @ 90%

WOD 21-15-9-3
Back squat 70/50

- do not drop bars behind neck. Sub hspu for burpees

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Technical Errors

Our server has been down to use our blog so we could not update!

Its back up and running now so you can see the gains!

Friday, 20 November 2015

Friday 20th November

EMOM x 10 mins
7-10 ttb

WOD - for time
100 oh lunge 20/10 
(Load your bar then...)
15 squat cleans 60/40 
100 double unders
20 pull ups 
100 double unders
25 box jumps
100 double unders
30 deadlifts 60/40

* cash out 800m run

Thursday 19th November

5 X 5 building in weight - NO FAILS

WOD EMOM X 20 min (4 rounds)

Min 1: 10 OHS - 50/35
Min 2: 150m sprint row
Min 3: 10 burpee to rig 
Min 4: 20 KBS 24/16
Min 5: rest

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Wednesday 18th November

A) Back Squat
6 X 3 @ 80% of 1RM


5 c2b pull ups
7 power clean
9 stoh
11 back squat

RX: 85/55

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Tuesday 17th November

A) for time
Deficit push ups - off 10kg plates
Abmat sit ups

10 power snatch 55/35
10 box jump 24/20
10 t2b

Monday 16th November

A) EMOM x 12
Min 1: 8 burpee pull ups
Min 2: 8 burpee box jumps

Wall balls
Pull ups
....... Burpees!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Friday, 6 November 2015

Friday 6th November

WOD - for time

50 KBS 24/16
50 back squats 60/40
1 mile run
50 front squats 60/40
1 mile run
50 back squats 60/40
50 KBS 24/16

Thursday 5th November

A) Push Jerk
6 x 3 building to a heavy load


100 double unders
30 pull ups
75 double unders
30 box jumps 24/20
50 double unders
30 burpees

cash out: 100 unbroken double unders
A break = 10 down ups

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Wednesday 4th November

A) EMOM x 15
Min 1: 15 slam balls 9/7
Min 2: 20 hollow rocks 
Min 3: 20 wall balls 9/6

WOD 3-6-9-12-15

Thruster 55/35

* if you break any set of thrusters = 5 burpee

Tuesday 3rd November

A) Rowing sprints
3 x 300m sprint

WOD 20 min AMRAP

200m run
10 wall balls 9/6
10 box jump 24"/20"
5 deadlift 120/90

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Monday 2nd November

A) Front Squat Pause
6 x 3 @ 75% with a 3 second pause at the bottom

WOD every 02:00 for 6 rounds

12 pull ups
9 burpees
6 front squats 80/60

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Friday 30th October

A) bench press + strict pull up
5 rounds of
7 BW bench press
7 strict pull ups
-not for time 

WOD - 10 min ladder

Deadlift 80/60
Pull up

* once you hit the 12's AMRAP the rest of the workout. 

Thursday 29th October

A) deadlift cycle 
10 x TNG reps strongest grip
10 x TNG reps weakest grip
10 x alternating grip
- 5kg heavier than last week


50 double unders
12 thrusters 42.5/30
9 ttb
* if you break the thrusters = 5 burpee over the bar penalty

Wednesday 28th October

A) Push Press
6-6-6-6-6-6 building in load

WOD 21-15-9-3

Push press 60/40
Box jump 24"/20"
*10 down ups after every set

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Tuesday 27th October

A) back squat
5-4-3 x 3
- start at a moderate load and build the load as you drop the volume

WOD - EMOM x 18 mins

Min 1: 30 double unders + 10/7 burpees
Min 2: 12 front rack lunges 50/30
Min 3: 20 KBS 24/16

Monday, 26 October 2015

Monday 26th October

A) EMOM x 12
Min 1: 50 double unders
Min 2: 12 thrusters 40/30
Min 3: 10 pull ups

WOD for time

30 clean and jerks for time 60/40
*6 burpees on the minute ever minute

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Friday 23rd October

A) Back Squat
6 x 3 @ 80% of 1RM

Thruster 42.5/30
Pull up
Box jump 24"/20"

Thursday 22nd October

A) Gymnastic test #3
75 ttb for time

WOD 21-15-9

Burpee to rig
KBS 24/16
Goblet squat 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Wednesday 21st October

A) Narrow grip OHS
10 mins to warm up OHS taken from the ground

WOD - for time

100 double unders
50 OHS 45/30
50 push up
100 double unders
50 deadlift 80/60
50 cal assault bike
100 double unders
50 box jump over 24/20
50 push press 45/30
100 double unders 

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Tuesday 20th October

A) Gymnastic test #2
100 kipping hspu for time

WOD 20 min AMRAP

1 x 400m run
2 x 15 wall balls 9/6
10 t2b

Monday, 19 October 2015

Monday 19th October

A) gymnastic test #1
100 pull ups for time
- strict
- kipping
- butterfly
* pick one, think wise but remember it is for time

WOD 21-15-9

Thruster 50/35
SDHP 50/35
Burpee over bar 

Friday, 16 October 2015

Friday 16th October

WOD - for time

Wall balls 9/6
Double unders

1. If you break any set, 10 burpee penalty
2. 7 C2B pull ups between each set

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Thursday 15th October

A) Deadlift cycle week 4
10 x TNG strongest grip
10 x TNG weakest grip
10 x alternating grip
- 5kg heavier than last week


15 hspu
15 deadlift 80/60

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Wednesday 14th October

A) Front squat
8x2 load light to start finishing in a max double in 8 sets

WOD EMOM x 16 min

Min 1: 8 front squat 100% BW
Min 2: 15 wall ball 9/6
Min 3: 30 double unders
Min 4: rest

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Tuesday 13th October

A) Front hold KB lunge
5 x 12 - alternating legs
- slow and controlled is key to this movement

WOD - 14 minute AMRAP

9 ttb
12 KB lunge 24/16
15 KBS 24/16
30 double unders 

Monday 12th October

A) Bench press
3-2-1 x 3
Increase weight as reps decrease

21 burpees
15 box jumps
9 front squat 80/60

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Friday 9th October

WOD 3 x 8 min AMRAP

A) 8 min AMRAP
15 calorie assault bike
7 burpee
B) 8 min AMRAP
30 double unders
7 ttb
C) 8 min AMRAP
300m row
15 wall balls 9/6

Thursday 8th October

A) HSPU + Ring work
EMOM x 12
Min 1: 10 strict hspu
Min 2: 10 STC 

WOD 21-15-9

Box jump 24/20
*200m run

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Wednesday 7th October

A) OHS pause
5 sets of 3 with a 3 second pause at the absolute bottom of the hole. 

WOD - for time

30 pull ups
30 KBS 24/16
30 wall balls 9/6
130 double unders
30 wall balls 9/6
30 KBS 24/16
30 pull ups 

Tuesday 6th October

A) rowing interval
3 x 2:00 interval

WOD 21-18-15

Push press 60/40
Box jumps 24/20

Monday, 5 October 2015

Monday 5th October

A) Front Squat
Find your 5RM - go Bulgarian and dig deep

WOD 10-8-6-4-2

Cluster 60/40

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Tuesday 29th September

A) Deadlift
10 TNG reps with strongest grip
10 TNG reps with weakest grip
10 reps alternating grip
+5kg from last time

WOD for time
Pull ups
Deadlift @ BW 

Monday, 28 September 2015

Monday 28th September

A) Back Squat
5 x 80%
4 x 85%
3 x 90%
- repeat twice more

WOD 15 min AMRAP 

16 wall balls 9/6
16 box jumps 24/20
16 cal assault bike